"She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong." PROVERBS 31:17



Bio: Former collegiate basketball player for Hofstra University, where I finished with over 1,000 career points. Degree in Exercise Science. National level weightlifter. Crossfit Games athlete. Pro Athlete in the Grid League for the Miami Surge. Nutrition consultant using the flexible dieting method. Team Juggernaut athlete. FitAid. Driven Nutrition. Virus.

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2 responses

  1. J.R. Pinedo

    Hi Nicole,
    Just read your article about flexible dieting. I’m a casual XF guy, serious runner and wrestling coach always looking to do good things for my body.

    I’ve tried Paleo but don’t believe strongly in cutting out certain things (potatoes, legumes, milk) instead of dieting for times I tend to just live my entire life consuming a relatively healthy diet and there are certain things I basically eat daily (bread, eggs, milk, kale, fruit, veggies, chicken breast, wheat pasta, potatoes, greek yogurt… )

    all that to say, I’m sold on your flexible dieting method. What are the chances you would have a contact person in the Portland Area? (also I may be in Chicago or NY city in the fall so if you know someone there that would also be helpful)

    or do you have some valuable resources online that I could use to guide my own diet?

    March 1, 2015 at 11:26 pm

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